Quoz Arts Fest 2024 | Collection of Moments

Collection of Moments

Art installation by eL Seed



27_28 Jan 2024






eL Seed Studio, Collection_of_Moments_eL_Seed


el Seed's mural will be on display next to eL Seeds Studio in Lane 1.

eL Seed fuses Arabic calligraphy with graffiti to paint colourful, swirling messages of hope and peace on buildings. In 2017, eL Seed was honoured with the UNESCO Sharjah Prize for Arab Culture. His noteworthy project 'Perception' in Cairo led to him being recognised as a Global Thinker in 2016 by Foreign Policy. TED acknowledged his commitment to peaceful expression and social progress in 2015, naming him one of the year's 'TED Fellows.' Furthermore, eL Seed has engaged in a collaboration with Louis Vuitton for their renowned 'Foulard d'artiste.'

About the participant

eL Seed Studio

Step into the studio of world-renowned artist eL Seed, whose intricate calligraphic compositions reflect the reality of mankind and the world we live in today.