Quoz Arts Fest 2024 | Before Nature (I Am Both Created and Destroyed)

Before Nature (I Am Both Created and Destroyed)

Kamran Samini


Experience the natural landscapes of Dubai beneath the hyper contemporary city in Kamran Samimi’s multimedia works.


11 Jan 2024 - 16 Feb 2024






The Third Line


Drawing inspiration from Dubai’s rich tapestry of natural materials, Kamran Samimi, who grew up in rural Laupāhoehoe on Hawaiʻi Island to parents of Iranian and Norwegian ancestry, explores the ancient tales concealed within the golden dunes of its desert foundation in his series of works for ‘Before Nature’. Through careful observation and interpretation of the large boulders scattered across the surrounding desert, he seeks to resurrect the spirit of the landscape.

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About the participant

The Third Line

Founded in 2005, The Third Line is a Dubai-based gallery that represents Afro Asian contemporary artists locally, regionally, and internationally. With over 18 years of dedicated commitment to the arts, it has become a pioneering platform for established talent and emerging voices from the region and its diaspora, building a dynamic program that explores the diversity of practices in the region.